Tag: silence the mind

A beautiful early morning sky, with the sun breaking through the clouds in a halo of yellow, orange, pink and violet. At a far distance, 7 birds are in flight.

How to Stop Random Thoughts During Meditation

One of the biggest misconceptions about meditation is that it will silence the mind. In fact, learning how to stop random thoughts during meditation has become the Holy Grail. But see, here’s the thing. If meditation could silence the mind, our entire planet would be cured of its many ills.

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An hourglass on gravel. The sand amount is roughly equal for both ends.

How Long Is Long Enough in Meditation?

Even if you have just 5 minutes to relax, doesn’t it feel great? There are days when you can relish a 5-minute break as though it were a mini-vacation. But with meditation – how long is long enough? What if you have just 1 minute? Can you experience benefits from

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There's an old man with a white beard with his eyes closed. He seems to be praying. A little girl is sitting next to her watching him.

How Can You Tell When You’re Meditating?

Often, even people who’ve been meditating for years will express a concern that perhaps they’re not doing it right. After all, each of us has only our own experience of meditation, so there’s not any actual objective point of comparison. (Even if you’re hooked up to an EEG, different brains

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