Start Your Membership Today
Enjoy a Deeper Meditation Practice, Starting Right Now
Even if you’ve hit a plateau in your practice.
Or have never stayed with a practice long enough to hit a plateau.
Even if you’re not certain what the difference is between meditation and breathing exercises. Or between guided imagery and visualization meditation.
Even if you haven’t meditated in years.
Or ever.
Wherever you are in your practice…whether you’re an absolute beginner or a consistent meditator looking to go even higher… QuietSelf guided meditations and meditation music can help.
Do You See Yourself As an Old Soul?
Have you ever been called an Old Soul? Or have you ever described yourself as one? If so, then you already know that Old Souls go deep and seem to understand things intuitively.
Your journey has most likely led you into unique and transformative cosmic energy experiences, even before finding QuietSelf.
But everyday life can be distracting. Even chaotic. It’s difficult to maintain focus and dedication.
Let us help.
Perhaps the most daunting challenge spiritual seekers face is that there are no set pathways. It’s a journey traditionally undertaken alone. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
We offer cosmic energy meditation experiences as brief as 5 minutes, and as intensive as 35 days of once-daily practice. The library is filled with a growing collection of techniques presented in an extensive variety of lengths. It’s easy to engage a practice to suit your time and style.

You Deserve the Support of an Enhanced Meditation Practice
At your purest essence, you are soul and spirit, you are Divine expression in physical form. And this human life you lead – that we all lead – serves a higher purpose. Your purpose is both unique and important. QuietSelf was created to support you in your personal exploration, development and fulfillment of this purpose.
Try this. For just a few seconds, right now, close your eyes and think of how you feel about your life and the world around you today.
Once you’re got that clearly fixed in your mind, open your eyes and consider how your spiritual journey would expand with all the benefits that come from an enhanced cosmic energy meditation practice:
- Spiritual Insights
- Effortless Patience
- Profound Contentment
- Optimism and Hope
- Sustained Inner Peace
- Divine Intuition
- Higher Purpose
- Deep Connections
- Easy Self-Expression
- Restorative Sleep
- Metamorphic Dreams
- Inspired Creativity
Do these benefits resonate with you?
When you give focus to interacting with cosmic energy, you open your awareness to an increasing higher consciousness. You invite it in, so to speak. When practiced with patience and consistency, these techniques open doors for you to step through along your journey of personal evolvement.
Cosmic energy meditation helps develop greater insight, deeper self-understanding, and broader compassion for yourself and others. It helps you to ascend to higher planes of consciousness, and to delve into an ever deepening communion with the Divine. It will serve you in your pursuit of true meaning and fulfillment of purpose in living this human life.
You Deserve the Support of an Enhanced Meditation Practice
At your purest essence, you are soul and spirit, you are Divine expression in physical form. And this human life you lead – that we all lead – serves a higher purpose. Your purpose is both unique and important. QuietSelf was created to support you in your personal exploration, development and fulfillment of this purpose.
Try this. For just a few seconds, right now, close your eyes and think of how you feel about your life and the world around you today.
Once you’re got that clearly fixed in your mind, open your eyes and consider how your spiritual journey would expand with all the benefits that come from an enhanced cosmic energy meditation practice:
- Spiritual Insights
- Effortless Patience
- Profound Contentment
- Optimism and Hope
- Sustained Inner Peace
- Divine Intuition
- Higher Purpose
- Deep Connections
- Easy Self-Expression
- Restorative Sleep
- Metaphoric Dreams
- Inspired Creativity
Do these benefits resonate with you?
When you give focus to interacting with cosmic energy, you open your awareness to an increasing higher consciousness. You invite it in, so to speak.
When practiced with patience and consistency, these techniques open doors for you to step through along your journey of personal evolvement.
Cosmic energy meditation will help develop greater insight, deeper self-understanding, and broader compassion for yourself and others.
It will help you to ascend to higher planes of consciousness, and to delve into an ever deepening communion with the Divine.
And it will serve you in your pursuit of true meaning and fulfillment of purpose in living this human life.
You Deserve the Support of an Enhanced Meditation Practice
At your purest essence, you are soul and spirit, you are Divine expression in physical form. And this human life you lead – that we all lead – serves a higher purpose. Your purpose is both unique and important. QuietSelf was created to support you in your personal exploration, development and fulfillment of this purpose.
Try this. For just a few seconds, right now, close your eyes and think of how you feel about your life and the world around you today.
Once you’re got that clearly fixed in your mind, open your eyes and consider how your spiritual journey would expand with all the benefits that come from an enhanced cosmic energy meditation practice:
- Spiritual Insights
- Effortless Patience
- Profound Contentment
- Optimism and Hope
- Sustained Inner Peace
- Divine Intuition
- Higher Purpose
- Deep Connections
- Easy Self-Expression
- Restorative Sleep
- Metaphoric Dreams
- Inspired Creativity
Do these benefits resonate with you?
When you give focus to interacting with cosmic energy, you open your awareness to an increasing higher consciousness. You invite it in, so to speak. When practiced with patience and consistency, these techniques open doors for you to step through along your journey of personal evolvement.
Cosmic energy meditation helps develop greater insight, deeper self-understanding, and broader compassion for yourself and others. It helps you to ascend to higher planes of consciousness, and to delve into an ever deepening communion with the Divine. It will serve you in your pursuit of true meaning and fulfillment of purpose in living this human life.
Why Our Meditations Are So Effective
The QuietSelf audio library is filled with experiences that combine the inspiration of music with the science of brain entrainment. This combination enhances your practice by immersing you quickly and easily in actual experiences of cosmic energy meditation.
The whole audio Library is organized to continually support your meditation practice, helping you to grow, evolve and transform.
- GUIDED IMAGERY helps open an easy path into a practice of cosmic energy meditation
- VISUALIZATIONS show you new techniques to go deeper into higher consciousness
- EXCITING EXPERIENCES to explore higher realms of spiritually conscious awareness
- MUSIC FOR SOLO PRACTICE of the visualizations and/or your own meditation techniques

- MUSIC MEETS SCIENCE to create soulful, cosmic meditations that are immediately immersive
- CLEANLY RECORDED VOICE GUIDES to enhance a smooth listening experience
- MUSIC & SOUND DESIGN written, recorded, mixed and mastered by professionals
- NO FILLER to waste your time or focus
- CROSS-PLATFORM ACCESS works like an app on your phone and like a website on your computer
- STAY ORGANIZED with your personal MQS page to access everything your Membership tier offers
- FAVORITING & PROGRESS TRACKING keeps you motivated and inspired, with no muddled practice sessions
- RESPONSIVE SUPPORT any time you need a little extra help

Why Our Meditations Are So Effective
The QuietSelf audio library is filled with Experiences that combine the inspiration of music with the science of brain entrainment.
This combination enhances your practice by immersing you quickly and easily in actual experiences of cosmic energy meditation.
The whole audio Library is organized to continually support your meditation practice, helping you to grow, evolve and transform.
Exclusive Content

- GUIDED IMAGERY helps open an easy path into a practice of cosmic energy meditation
- VISUALIZATIONS show you new techniques to go deeper into higher consciousness
- EXCITING EXPERIENCES to explore higher realms of spiritually conscious awareness
- MUSIC FOR SOLO PRACTICE of the visualizations and/or your own meditation techniques
High Quality Recordings

- MUSIC MEETS SCIENCE to create soulful, cosmic meditations that are immediately immersive
- CLEANLY RECORDED VOICE GUIDES that provide a smooth experience for the listener
- ALL MUSIC & SOUND DESIGN written, recorded, mixed and mastered by professionals
- NO FILLER to waste your time or focus
Easy to Use

- CROSS-PLATFORM ACCESS works like an app on your phone and like a website on your computer
- STAY ORGANIZED with your personal MQS page to access everything your Membership tier offers
- FAVORITING & PROGRESS TRACKING keeps you motivated and inspired, with no muddled practice sessions
- RESPONSIVE SUPPORT any time you need a little extra help
Which Membership Is Right for You?
Your paid membership entitles you to immediate Unlimited Access to the entire QuietSelf audio Library.
When you opt for the ANNUAL UNLIMITED membership, your subscription begins immediately with a 7 Day Free Trial. After the trial ends, billing occurs just once a year until cancelled. If you cancel before the end of the trial period, you’ll never be charged.
When you opt for the MONTHLY UNLIMITED membership, your subscription begins immediately on a month-to-month basis. Billing occurs once monthly until cancelled. No long-term commitment, quick & easy to cancel anytime.
We also offer both annual and monthly GIFT MEMBERSHIPS if you sense that a friend or loved one would enjoy QuietSelf.
All memberships come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee is simple and straightforward.
If you’re unhappy with your Annual membership, you can cancel within 60 days and get your money back. All of it.
Not happy with your Monthly membership? Cancel within the first month and get your money back. All of it.
If you’re having a technical difficulty with the site or feel frustrated in any way, we would love the opportunity to set things right. PLEASE REACH OUT and give us a chance to help. We’ll do everything we can to get your issue sorted.
Just log in and then go to your ACCOUNT to see your membership info. Your membership will be cancelled immediately upon you cancelling it. You will not be charged for renewal on your renewal date and you will no longer have access to the library unless you decide to sign up again. If you purchased the Annual Unlimited Membership and you cancel during the 7 Day Free Trial period, you will not ever be charged. Questions? Head over to the CONTACT page any time and drop us a line.
Yes. QuietSelf runs from within an internet browser on any device of your choosing. Using cellular data when you’re on the go will work great, but we do recommend that subscribers use WiFi when possible to save minutes on their mobile plan.
We’re glad you asked! There are three main advantages to streaming audio. First, you don’t have to manage files and instead you just play any track you choose quickly and easily. Second, you can play all QuietSelf audio meditations anytime and anywhere by simply logging into your account on any device you choose. Third – and this is our favorite – you automatically have access to all new content immediately, without having to download and organize files on your computer or device.
Once you log into your account, you should be able to access the QuietSelf Library from any modern computer with a browser or any mobile device with a browser app.
For Windows computers, we recommend the Google Chrome browser.
For Macs we recommend Safari.
For Android phones and tablets, we recommend the free Google Chrome app.
For iPhones and iPads we recommend either the built-in Safari app or the Google Chrome app.
This means that QuietSelf will run on your computer, smartphone, iPad or other tablet connected to the internet.
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO NOT ACCESS YOUR QUIETSELF ACCOUNT USING THE GOOGLE SEARCH APP ON YOUR PHONE OR TABLET. The Google app not capable of holding your login info, which means that you’ll have to keep track of your username and password every time you want to access your account. Using a browser app, per the above recommendations, will provide you with a smoother experience.
We’re always just an email away. Reach out to us for help through the CONTACT page anytime. We’ll respond quickly. We promise.
You shouldn’t. You should try them out for yourself to see how they make you feel and what benefits you receive from using them. Let us know what you decide. We’ll wait for you :)))