Tag: self-transformation

A woman stands in a dark green field with her arms outstretched and her head titled up towards the sky

Explore 4 Types of Visualization Meditation for Self-Transformation

Welcome to the world of visualization meditation, a practice that combines the art of meditation with the life-expanding power of imagination. Not fantasy, but imagination. In this article, we will explore four distinct types of visualization meditation techniques that can help you relax, reduce stress, enhance your overall well-being, and

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A blue and gold butterfly is shown in front of a blurred background of greenery and flowers

What Is Spiritual Alchemy and How Can You Practice It?

Like ancient Egyptian and Greek scientists before them, European scientists and philosophers of the Middle Ages believed that everything in the world was made up of four basic elements: earth, air, fire, and water.  They saw these four elements as having specific qualities and properties that could be manipulated to

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A person sits crossed legged inside a sphere of different color lights, seeming to be in a trance-like state

Cracking the Physical Code of Cosmic Energy Sensations

The term cosmic energy can have different meanings for different people, cultures, philosophies and spiritual practices. In this article, we’re going to touch on only a few of the most widely reported meanings. Cosmic energy is often used in metaphysical spiritual contexts to describe a universal energy or life force

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An hourglass on gravel. The sand amount is roughly equal for both ends.

How Long Is Long Enough in Meditation?

Even if you have just 5 minutes to relax, doesn’t it feel great? There are days when you can relish a 5-minute break as though it were a mini-vacation. But with meditation – how long is long enough? What if you have just 1 minute? Can you experience benefits from

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